Commented on We Don't Understand This Weather:
   "Excellent poems, Ibrahim!"
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4 years ago

Commented on We Don't Understand This Weather:
   "A wonderful poem! I feel the love, the closeness to the earth, what it gives and what it withholds. I think you understand this weather very well. :-)"
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4 years ago

Commented on I Wrote You This Poem:
   "Wow, I love this poem!"
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4 years ago

Commented on I Wrote You This Poem:
   "Sorry, I didn't realize Channillo's comment handling would screw up my line format."
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4 years ago

Commented on I Wrote You This Poem:
   "Hi Ms. Parr, I happened to read this poem, which I liked very much, and was reminded of a poem I wrote almost eight years ago. I also have a poetry series on Channillo. Maybe we won't be strangers anymore. Here's the poem. Mike Stone "Walking to the Moon" (Raanana, September 1, 2012) Sometimes you have to walk a poem To see the shadows of it go in front of you And then behind you, A funny kind of locomotion Walking crablike, orthogonally. It's been so long since I've written, You must have thought I'd forgotten, If you thought about me at all. No, I hadn't. Couldn't. Ever. These were the dimensions of your loveliness, The smell of sunlight on a field of wheat in your hair, The cool touch of my rough hand on your soft thigh, The vibrations of your voice as your meaning dances across it, But the publicity of your smile For all around you to see, Not just for me, Meant the sunlight soft vibrations of you Might as well be like walking to the moon. (c) 2012 Mike Stone (from "Yet another Book of Poetry")"
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4 years ago

Commented on We Don't Understand This Weather:
   "I liked your poem, Ibrahim. What is "Harmattan"?"
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4 years ago